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Mid February to Mid March Market Activity 2018

In Fulton County, 599 homes sold in March so far (see orange bar at the top of graph). That’s up 12% from the previous 2 week period lasting from late February to mid March which sold 536 homes (see green bar on top of that orange bar). At the same time, 1,143 homes were listed in mid to late March, which is down 4% from the previous 2 week period at 1,195 homes (see second set of bars from the top).

In Forsyth County, 132 homes sold in March so far. That’s down 17% from the previous 2 week period lasting from mid to late February which sold 159 homes. At the same time, 340 homes were listed in March so far, which is up 24% from the previous 2 week period at 275 homes.

In Cobb County, 395 homes sold in March so far. That’s stayed the same from the previous 2 week period lasting from mid to late February which sold 394 homes. At the same time, 902 homes were listed in March so far, which is up 58% from the previous 2 week period at 571 homes. Go Cobb County!

2 Main Takeaways

1) listing season continues to grow fast as the amount of listings has grown at least by 20% in each county

2) the market needs more buyers as homes are getting sold at about the same rate between the 2 week periods while the amount of listings continues to grow so right now is a great time to buy

To request more information on your part of town, or neighborhood, or even street, message me!

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